Our mission is to help people who want to be free from stress, depression, hurts pains, compulsive or addictive behaviours that sabotage and work against their success and well being emotionally and mentally making life unmanageable.
The online SHEBUNTU group coaching process provides and guides you through all you need to do to experience the freedom and change you desire and develop stronger authentic relationships for yourself and others. We work with a diverse cultural community each member contributing from her own life experience with different elements add to the richness and value of the development and growth of each member of the group.
The only requirement for you to guarantee success is a willingness to change your current situation. Total confidentiality is required in SHEBUNTU groups. This program will not tolerate the violation of the set principals. It is vital that the environment provided make the members feel safe as they forge forward. Anyone in violation will be asked to leave. We believe that together we get empowered, enriched, transformed and ultimately achieve our highest potential.
The SHEBUNTU groups philosophy is – “We need each other to get well” – Adapted from the UBUNTU Philosophy from South Africa.
UBUNTU philosophy from South Africa
None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. (Tutu, 2004:25).